Kitty Concerto

a visit form santa
December 27, 2008, 11:37 pm
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Things are still mighty cold here in the Great Lakes State.

But it is quite warm next to the fireplace.

Here at Mr. Cat’s household tradition, when you are either born or married into the family, you get the official “Kitty” stocking.  How adorable is that tradition???


So here is after Santa stops on by…


We even got to visit with Santa when he dropped by to the family Christmas eve celebration.  Honestly, what is more cute than seeing two grown adults sitting on a bourbon nosed, rotund without extra padding, and sometimes ill humored Santa???  Not very, but we did have a grand time watching him pass out presents to all the little ones in attendance.  Seriously, THAT was cute.

Next post….. How all most of the presents in Mr. Cat’s stocking eluded to the fact that he is in fact OLD.  Poor guy.  But funny.

Posting will be completely random if at best.  Its been a whirlwind of activities and next up is a week at my grandparents place to which they have no wi-fi.  Bummer.

holiday howdy!
December 23, 2008, 2:14 pm
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I’m still here and I’m alive!

But barely.

Mr. Cat and I traveled back to the bitter cold of Minnesota.  I’m a native Southern California girl….  What’s up with all the white stuff???

When we landed from our uneventful flight (my favorite way to fly), it was -11 degrees!!!  How do humans survive this kind of weather?  Holy Moley!

Besides the hellacious frost, Mr. Cat and I were bone tired.  We literally only got an hour of sleep before our deranged extremely kind  friends volunteered to pick us up at 3:45 am to take us to the airport.   We had a great time hanging with Mr. Cat’s parents, sister and her family for the day.

We returned to the in-laws house to discover that we got put in the master suite!  For Christmas, all the siblings and their families will be staying overnight here and we got placed in the best room!  I wonder how much Mr. Cat slipped to the bell man….

Looking forward to chilling out thawing out and spending time with the extended family.

Hope your holiday gear up is going great.

bravo, bravo
December 18, 2008, 12:10 am
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Tonight Mr. Cat and I indulged in sushi (yum my favorite!) and a mini missed Tivo marathon of Top Chef.

I fell in love all over again with my husband.


Because every time the theme song would come on, he and I would sit in our dueling reclining sofa seats and dance.

Can you say “huge dorks”?

On on an even more random note…..  There were lots of commercials for “The Real Housewives of Orange County“, and I told my goofy husband that he indeed had a goofy wife, because I secretly had California pride because that show is the most popular of all the “Real Housewives” (if you don’t know they debuted New York and Atlanta).



hahaha on you! I DID (finally) put up the pictures!
December 16, 2008, 11:47 pm
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Wordless Wednesday —-  Car Edition


(I have no idea why this photo uploaded sideways. hmmmm)



Isn’t my rugged man cute???


Now onto my car….

Uh yah, that’s me


Gah!  It did it again!



Check out the Red light!  It can change colors…. totally random, but fun.



Christ + Pie= Delicious to the Soul
December 14, 2008, 11:59 pm
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Well my show is over and done.

And honestly?

I actually had fun.  I know, I know.  With all the complaining I did?  Yup.  It wound up being fun.

Really, how could it not.  I was doing all the things I love to do.  Sing, dance, act, and hang out with friends.  Perfection.

The high school students were mostly a pleasure to work with.  Some were kind, some were funny, some were talented, and even some were inspirational.

My hubby, my friends, and those in our community seemed to appreciate the 1940’s musical, The Christmas Post, about the true meaning of Christmas.

It was nice to give them all a chance to get out of the mundane and hardships and enjoy an evening of fun and pie (and the pie was delicious!).

Now I’ve got one week to finish up all my “green stuff” Christmas shopping, baking, wrapping, sending and delivering.

One week before our trip.


You betcha.


We finally picked up our truck.

Woo Hoo!!!

So the next time I find the camera tomorrow I will put up pictures of our new rides.

well this seemed obvious
December 13, 2008, 12:29 am
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My show opens up on Friday, so my postings are a bit lame.

However, I found this video and I couldn’t NOT put it up here.

We are Kitty Concerto after all.

don’t let your man be in the doghouse this holiday season
December 11, 2008, 11:21 pm
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My SIL sent this over and I feel that you MUST watch it.  (yes it’s a bit long, but totally worth it)

After watching I immediately thought of my own husband who once notoriously gave me a Valentine’s Day card and mints.

Mints people.  Nothing else.  I mistakenly thought it was a joke.

And of course my first question was “do I have bad breath?”, to which he quickly replies “NO!”.

Uh, well then why in the world would you give m.i.n.t.s. to your wife as a Valentines gift???!!!

He thought I’d like them.  Simple as that.

I then told him in no uncertain terms that I would like flowers, jewelry, books, or chocolate.

Mints are completely unacceptable for gits.  Especially on the most romantic day of the year.

I don’t think he’ll EVER hear the end of it.

tidbits of nothingness
December 11, 2008, 12:02 pm
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Ok, ok.  So I promised a few pictures.

However there was a snafu.

While I have had the blessed opportunity to drive my new car, the Escape, we still have yet to pick up the truck.  Why?  Because at car dealerships, the right hand doesn’t always communicate with the left hand.

Basically the base runners (that handy dandy chrome stepping stone) were put on a day late, and then our schedules are so wacky that we can’t go down there at an appropriate time to pick it up.  Frankly it’s very frustrating because neither one of us feel comfortable leaving it there.  Not only is it not in our possession, therefore we can’t watch over it, but it’s located in a not very safe town.  It’s a bit scary.

But we gotta have faith that it will be in pristine condition when we finally pick it up.  Which at this point, it looks like we won’t be able to do that until Saturday morning.  Bummer.

In other news, this week has been been beyond taxing for me.  It’s dress rehearsal, all week, for that show I’m in.  We rehears for nearly 4 hours.  I’m exhausted by the time it’s done.  And during the day when all of the kids are in school, I’m busy running around town trying to finish up my costume.  The Christmas Post is set in the 1940’s, so we need to replicate that style.  Luckily for me, Kohl’s had a perfect shirt!  Whew!  It was just sitting on one of the first racks I had seen as soon as I walked in.  As though it had been waiting their just for me.  Who knew that 1940’s shoes, shirts and scarves are still very chic?

So because of all the hullabaloo going on this week, it’s been difficult to stop by and say hi, post, or even keep my eyes open while reading my last book from Jen Lancaster.  Honestly I have the biggest girl crush on her right now.  I read all three of her books, back to back.  Some nights, when Mr. Cat was trying to sleep, I was trying unsuccessfully to not laugh, but wound up shaking my entire body due to uncontrollable laughter, and wound up waking him up anyway.  Sorry sweetie!

Again, if you want some light and fun reading I suggest any of her books.  I already can’t wait for her fourth book to come out next year!

One last note…. they changed my wordpress dashboard, and now I feel like I walked into someone else’s house, yet I still am carrying my own house key…. so, WTH?!  Why do you have to change a good thing?!  Ugh.

cars, trucks, and cat pee, oh my!
December 9, 2008, 1:05 pm
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Yesterday was a very long day.  But it was all worth it in the end!

Mr. Cat and I bought a car.

Wait, scratch that.

We bought 2 new cars!!!

Neither one of us have ever bought a brand new car.  So this was a very big deal.

We just happen to have the world’s biggest Ford Dealership practically in our backyard, so we headed over there to see what kind of deals they may have on two cars that we had talked about for months.  Turns out, we went at the exact right time!  They were having amazing deals.  They were offering employee discounts as well as rebates for particular vehicles, and wouldn’t you know, the type of truck we had our heart set on had the biggest rebate!  The Lord was smiling down upon us!

After a very long day, and many changes on the specific vehicle we wanted to take home (it wasn’t just me who had color issues), and eight hours later, Mr. Cat and I were able to drive home my black pearl 2009 Ford Escape Limited! I originally was hoping for the Hybrid version, but looking at the costs and the incentives for the regular Escapes, we decided it would be cost effective to not go with the Hybrid.  And surprise!  The resale value is not very good for the Hybrid versions.  Mostly because technology is advancing so rapidly and those that are looking for the Hybrids, are the same folks that are going to buy the next coolest car that has 100 mpg.   (hey, I’m looking for that car!)  This car will be the one that I drive mostly, and it has all the whistles and bells.  It has a navigator (which might just save our marriage.  you should have heard us trying to find our way around San Francisco during our first honeymoon), bluetooth (which means I don’t have to dial or have a headset, all I have to do is say your name and call you!  Wicked cool!), leather interior, heated seats, and random cool stuff like lighted cup holders that can change with my mood.

We had to leave Mr. Cat’s dark blue 2008 Ford F-150 Supercrew 4×4.  It needed to have base runner steps put on and a bed liner put in, so we had to leave it at the dealership.  That truck is pretty massive, and I’m not that big, so this is an important feature to have for me.  Another cool feature is that the gas/brake pedals are adjustable.  Sweet!  Again, this really works out in my favor, because I’m pretty darn short.

So either later today or tomorrow we will be picking up our second brand new vehicle!

Now before you go all crazy on me…..   Let me explain why we needed two automobiles.

First, let me explain the dire situation Mr. Cat has been dealing with for the past year.  He has been driving a 1997 Honda Accord, and believe me when I say that that car has seen better days.  To start, he has to water it daily.  No joke.  Every morning that he has to go to work, he has to bring out the watering can and open up the hood, with a broken latch, so he has to use pliers to pop the hood, and pour water into the ever broken radiator.  I can’t tell you how many times that thing has been taken in to get repaired.  It’s awful.

And let us not forget the fun fact that it reeks of cat urine because of a nightly visit from a stray cat that likes to taunt not only our little gang of kitties, but apparently our automobiles as well.  The smell could wake you up if you were unconscious.  There’s also the newest problem that takes this car into white trash victory.  The antenna broke, so Mr. Cat has to hold it out the window the entire time he is driving. When he drives to work, the average commute is a little under an hour.  Can we say g-h-e-t-t-o?!?!

So my dear sweet husband absolutely needed a new car.  Ever since the economy has taken a huge hit, dealerships have practically given away trucks, so this definitely peaked our interest.  We have both always wanted a truck, but never had the means to get one.  So we saw this as our big opportunity.  However, trucks don’t have the kind of gas mileage that is ideal for a commuter car, so we decided that he would use my just newly paid off 2002 Toyota Rav 4 and use the truck for around town, home depot purchases, and off roading.

And before you all think that we are just rollin’ in the dough, let me tell you that we are not.  We have saved up nearly an entire year to buy these cars.  We also live in a house where we still have mismatched bedroom furniture, still no dining room table, broken crappy window blinds, and a living room filled with random crap and non of it is living room furniture.

Just thought I’d clear that up.

Tomorrow…. pictures of our new cars!

Well who would have known?!
December 8, 2008, 10:33 am
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While I was browsing my lovely google reader, I stalked stumbled upon the always hilarious Soccer Mom.

She had a widget that claimed that her awesomeness didn’t calculate to dollars and cents. (Nor does it make any sense either…..but that’s why we love her!)

Being a poo’r fool that I am, I decided to check out how much my blog was worth.

My blog is worth $9,597.18.
How much is your blog worth?

I can cash that in for some serious purse bling!

What? You think I’d give it to charity or something?
